1982 - 1989; TED Ankara Koleji
1989 -1995; Lisans - Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
1999 - 2001; Dz.K.K. Gemi Doktoru
2001 - 2002; Dz.K.K. Uçuş Tabibi
2002 - 2006; Uzmanlık - G.A.T.A. Nöroloji ABD (İstanbul)
2007; Türk Nöroloji Derneği Board Sertifikası
2006 -2010; Nöroloji Uzmanı - Kasımpaşa Dz. Hst. (İstanbul)
2007 - 2009; Nörofizyoloji Uzmanı - Adatepe Elektrofizyoloji Merkezi (İstanbul)
2010 - 2013 Nöroloji Uzmanı - Çanakkale Dz. Hst. (Çanakkale)
2013 - 2016; Nöroloji Uzmanı - İzmir Ask. Hst. (İzmir)
2016 - 2020; Nöroloji Uzmanı - İ.K.Ç.Ü. Atatürk Eğt.Arşt. Hst. (İzmir)
2021 - halen; Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Hastanesi Yeniboğaziçi
1) Unal T. (2022) Brain Fog Condition in Covid-19. Winally Medical.
2) Unal T., Aykol U. D. (2016). Oral Presentation; The Investigation of the Cognitive Impairment in Young Adults with Substance Use Disorders. Second Congress of EAN
3) Korkmaz B., Unal T. (2007). Transcortical sensory aphasia in a child with subacute
sclerosing panencephalitis. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
4) Unal T., Saracoğlu M., Tanridag O. (2006). The Effect of Depression on Cognitive
Performance in mild Probable Alzheimer’s Disease Patients. Turkish Journal of
5) Togrol E., Unal T., Tanridag O. (2005). Demyelinating disease with drug abuse.
Poster Presentation at the 41st Congress of Turkish Neurology.
6) Unal T. Tanrıdağ O. (2005). The Application Of Gülhane Aphasia Test; Oral
Presentaion at the 2nd National Speech and Language Disorders Congress.
7) Unal T., Kendirli T., Tanrıdağ O. (2005). Depression’s impact on Dementia. Poster
Presentation at the 41th Congress of Turkish Neurology.
8) Unal T., Kendirli T., Kaşıkcı T., Tanrıdağ O. (2005). The Correlation Between the
Global Deterioration Scale and Clock Drawing Test scores in Dementia Patients. Poster
Presentation at the 41th Congress of Turkish Neurology.
9) Togrol E., Unal T., Tanrıdağ O., Saracoğlu M., Kendirli T. (2004). Risk Factors and
Clinical Profile in Dementia Cases. European Journal of Neurology
10) Togrol E., Tanrıdağ O., Unal T. (2004). The Effect of Depression on the Performance
of Cognitive Tasks in Patients with Dementia. Poster Presentation at the Congress of the
European Neurological Society.
11) Unal T. (2004). Cognitive Findings in Postencephalitic Patients with Dominant
Temporal Lobe Lesions. Oral Presentation at the 40 th Congress of Turkish Neurology.
12) Unal T., Togrol E., Bilgic B., Tanrıdağ O. (2004). An Unusual Presentation of Callosal
Disconnection Syndrome. Poster Presentation at the 40th Congress of Turkish
13) Gürtekin Y., Unal T., Saracoğlu M. (2004). A Neuromyopathy Case. Poster
Presentation at the 40th Congress of Turkish Neurology.
14) Gürtekin Y., Unal T., Saracoğlu M., Togrol E., Tanrıdağ O. (2004). A Generalized
Myotonia Case. Poster Presentation at the 40th Congress of Turkish Neurology.
15) Unal T., Tanridag O. (2003). Clinical Profiles of Dementia Patients with Periventricular
White Matter Lesions. Poster Presentation at the 39th Congress of Turkish Neurology.