Nose Surgery Rhinoplasty

The nose is an important organ which determines the beauty of an individual’s face. Therefore, plastic surgery on the nose is one of the most popular. Nose surgery is performed on both men and women, not only for beauty purposes, but also for health reasons. When ‘Nose surgery’ and ‘beauty’ are considered, women first come to mind. At this point, the expectations of men and women are different as well. Men are usually more concerned with the size of their noses; if they have a big nose, they want it reduced in size, so that it is not the first thing that draws people’s attention. Women are more concerned with a natural looking beautiful nose rather than the size.

At what age is nose surgery applicable?
Nose surgery can be done on people who have no mental or physical problems but are not content with their noses. Despite being controversial, nose surgery for both beauty and health at an early age is possible; however, it is not preferred due to the risk of damage to the nose cartilage during the operation. It is generally applicable on women when they finish physical growth at the ages of 15-16, and men at the ages of 17-18. The possibility of surgery can also be determined during examination. Although there is no upper age limit for nose surgery, it can be done on any individual who is physically matured.

When is Nose Surgery preferred?

  • If the exterior of the nose has a crooked, bridged or wide appearance
  • If the support at the end of the nose has deteriorated and collapsed
  • If there is a growth inside the nose
  • If the nose is small or big
  • If there is an issue related to the angle between the forehead and the nose
  • If the nasal wings are too big
  • If there is an issue related to the angle between the lips and the nose

What should you consider before nose surgery?
A facial analysis is important before nose surgery. A detail plan is prepared prior to the operation. Then, the surgery is performed according to this plan, which is tailored to each individual. A small nose on a wide and long face is not preferred and nor are noses where the ends are lifted too much with curved bridges. This is because lifted noses give an unnatural appearance to the face. A good-looking nose enables both easy breathing and is compatible with the natural appearance of the face.

Usually during the surgery, the bridge of the nose is removed, the cartilages are shaped, and the bones are cut as well as shaped creating a better roof.

What are the techniques for nose surgery?
Nose surgery can be done in two ways: closed and open. Open nose surgery is becoming popular all over the world. During open nose surgery, the bones and cartilages can be easily observed and are shaped. Less complaints about collapsing after open nose surgeries have been received. Endoscopy is more widely used during invasive nose surgeries nowadays; the nose is entered via an endoscope and then it is fixed allowing the growths to be removed. The tools used inside the nose enable better vision into the nose. It helps give more natural results with the appearance that no surgery was performed.

Will there be any scarring on the face after nose surgery?
Using one of the two methods of nose surgery, closed surgery does not leave cause scarring since all incisions are made inside the nose. The open method became popular due to its advantages. In this method a V-shaped incision is made through the narrowest area of the nostrils. This method, which does not cause scarring, is preferred by 90% of all doctors. Ultimately, the method of surgery used is completely up to the surgeon and does not have a negative impact on the patient.

What to be careful about before Rhinoplasty?
Aspirin and other medicine that may cause bleeding must be avoided. If the patient is feeling pain, paracetamol or acetaminophen can be taken. Alcohol must be avoided a couple days before and after surgery since it may cause congestion and bleeding.

How is the surgery performed?
Depending on the preference of the patient, the surgery can be done via local anaesthesia, accompanied by sedation or under general anaesthesia. The surgery can last between 1 to 6 hours based on the deformity of the nose. Following the incisions based on open or closed surgery, the initial crookedness of the wall in the middle of the nose is fixed at first. This action has functional significance. After this initial deformity is fixed, all the other deformities are fixed one by one based on the plan made before the surgery. If there is a bridge at the back of the nose, it is removed, irregularities are fixed, and the openness at the back of the nose is fixed by breaking the bones on the side if necessary. The cartilages are fixed. The initial incisions are sewed up. A tampon is placed inside the nose. The back of the nose is plastered or protected through special moulds and the surgery is concluded.

What to be careful about after Rhinoplasty?

  • A special face mask is used on the first day immediately after surgery. Swelling, bruising and pain are considerably reduced with this method compared to the ice application that was done in the past. It is important to rest at home with the face facing upwards the next day. A period of 2-3 days’ rest is required. If their work does not require heavy effort, the person can return to work after 3-4 days. Specialists recommend resting until the splint and the bandages are removed.
  • Lowering the head to read books or newspapers, or looking at your phone or computer can be dangerous; therefore, for keeping the head in an upward position is important for the first two weeks.
  • Pools must be avoided during the winter for exercise purposes because the chemicals inside the pool can damage the interior tissue of the nose. During summer, the person can swim in the sea after a month. Diving can be dangerous.
  • Using glasses with a light frame does not cause any problems two months after the operation. The patient must wait for three months if the frame is heavy. Contact lenses must be avoided for 1-2 months after surgery due to the possibility of infection.
  • It is important to keep the interior moist via nose sprays.
  • A month after the surgery, light exercises and after two months heavy exercises can be done. Exercises that would not damage the nose are recommended for the first six months. Basketball and football must be avoided since they can damage the nose through impact.
  • Two weeks after the surgery, the inside of the nose can be rinsed and the nose can be wiped without squeezing.
  • Alcohol, hard or spicy foods, and excessively hot and moist environments such as saunas and bath houses must be avoided for the first two weeks.
  • Only the medication prescribed by the physician must be used.

Which season is most appropriate for nose surgery?
Like other plastic surgeries, nose surgery is most recommended during fall, winter, or spring when the weather is cool. This operation can also be applied during summer under the condition that the individuals avoids sunlight and stays in air-conditioned environments. Staying at the hospital after the surgery for one night is recommended after a 2-4 hour operation. Painkillers or medicine like aspirin must be avoided at least 1 week before the surgery. If the patient has suffered cold recently, the operation is postponed.

How long is the recovery period after nose surgery?
In order for the nose to settle and come to its final shape, a certain amount of time must pass. The patient is warned not to feel disappointment and accept is as a part of the natural process. It may be hard to breathe for a couple days after surgery and there may be swelling after the plaster is removed. The swelling only goes down after the second - third week. The first 4-6 weeks after surgery are very important for the patients. It may take time for the person to become accustomed to their new face. The plasters and moulds must be left on the face for the first 7-10 days after surgery. It may take from 6 months to 1 year for the nose to take its final shape.

Policlinic Area
2. FloorEastern Block
Department of Polyclinics
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday8:00 - 17:00

+90 (392) 444 0 535
