If You Are Aware, You Have The Power!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign special for October from Near East University Hospital and Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital! All women will benefit from a 25 percent discount on breast screening until the end of October!

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women. One out of every 8 women can suffer from breast cancer at some time in their life. This number contitutes approximately 12 percent of women. Self-examination every month, regular breast screening every year help for early diagnosis. With the campaign organized by Near East University Hospital and Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital and which will be valid throughout October, women are offered the opportunity to benefit from breast screening services at a 25 percent discount.

It is emphasized that every woman from the age of 20 should do a breast self-exam every month. In addition to breast examination once a year, breast USG is recommended for women under the age of 40, and breast USG and mammography are recommended for women over the age of 40. Within the scope of the campaign, which will be in progress between October 1-31 at Near East University Hospital and Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital, these age-related screenings are offered in two separate packages for those who are under 40 years old and over 40 years old.

In addition to the screening campaign, a series of events were planned at Near East University Hospital and Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital. An informative meeting will be held by Prof. Dr. Hasan Besim and Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu on current treatment approaches for breast cancer. The events will be published on the social media accounts of both hospitals. In addition, the Near East University Hospital will turn pink with the change in the lighting system throughout October. In social media, awareness will be raised with the hashtag #IfYou’reAwareYouHaveThePower

In addition to cancer, many diseases can be seen in the breast tissue.
Near East University Hospital General Surgery Department and Breast Health Center Head Prof. Dr. Hasan Besim emphasized the importance of regular check-ups to prevent breast cancer. “Many breast-related diseases and complaints can occur apart from cancer,” said Prof. Dr. Hasan Besim, and pointed out that the breast has been seen as a symbol of sexuality for centuries, as well as an extremely important organ in terms of feeding the newborn. Mentioning that there may be certain complaints related to changes in breast tissue due to hormones, especially in adult women, Prof. Dr. Hasan Besim said that many diseases such as non-cancer, infectious pathologies, developmental anomalies or variations can be seen in the breast tissue. Prof. Dr. Besim emphasizing that for this reason, the necessity of a treatment center focused on breasts is inevitable, also reminded that the Breast Health Center within the Near East University Hospital continues its activities with this approach.

Pay attention to the effective risk factors in breast cancer!
Drawing attention to the existence of many risk factors for breast cancer, Prof. Dr. Hasan Besim said, “Some of these risk factors are the ones we cannot avoid, unfortunately. For example, it is unfortunately not possible to change various risk factors such as gender, age, presence of a close relative with breast cancer in the family, or genetic characteristics. However, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, various hormone levels are among the controllable risk factors. Prof. Dr. Besim adds that having any of these risk factors does not necessarily mean that you will develop breast cancer.

Breast cancer risk can be determined by genetic testing
Women with a family history of breast cancer are at increased risk of developing these types of cancer. Genetic testing becomes even more important for women of all ages in this group. In the Near East University Hospital Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory, changes in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can be detected by genetic tests.
